Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Quarter Century Curve Ball

I feel old and young at the same time.
Wiser, more experienced, yet so completely unsure.
The world treats me as an adult sending me credit card applications and offering me home loans and saying I should start thinking about retirement plans and settling down.
And yet, my brain is the same as it has ever been.
Though I have learned much, so very much, I still feel like young and awkward me. Like I am a teenager with a fake ID.
The decisions I have made and get to make in this decade of my life will shape so much of my future.
And it is equally exciting and frightening. Reinventing myself and detouring my paths as needed.
But I feel like I am on the precipice of many beginnings and many ends. Like this point in my life is one of bated breaths and elation and disappointments and pleasant surprises. Not entirely hopeful, but not entirely distraught either.
I know that life offers certain bad things with the good, risks with chances, consequences to choices. But I also know that you can never know what might come your way. You can never know where things will lead you. And sometimes you find things you didn't even know you were looking for. Needing things you didn't know that you wanted.
I am not where I thought I would be, but that is not said in negativity. Two months ago, two years ago... parts of life seemed very far away.
I have spent so long working to get to certain points in life, both externally and internally.
It's interesting to see so much of it pay off. And I almost appreciate the let downs that have come thus far if not only to keep me humble and grounded.
This all sounds so "inspirational" or mushy and didn't really come out like I hoped.
But I guess it basically comes down to this.
I am grateful for my friends and family, for my home, for the opportunities given to me, for the things I cannot describe but would not be here without. If I have one wish for the next quarter of a century of my life, it is that I never take for granted what is right in front of me.

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