Friday, July 1, 2011

Film Exit Music

The air around me feels like it is crackling with energy. I have no idea what has brought it about or how others have been noticing its charge.

I see hunger flash in their eyes, a voracious and deadly quiet stalking of my movements. It is always condensed into a small season, not predicted by weather but by indifference or some unexplained explosion of confidence.

It leads me to want to be around anyone, everyone, constantly... to inhale the desire up from the ground, to expend a fueling satisfaction to the space above me and watch it do a hot/cold struggle for stratic positioning in magnetic & expelling layers. Instead of an aggravating tug of war for power, it is a constant cycle of take and pouring out, of give and soaking up. And then falling into place.

It's becoming this intoxicating sorcery, using nothing but soft words and even softer movements. The seduction of the masses, the public, the few that have maintained their part in the plot.

How I wish you did not feed it. It's getting to my head. My body is begging for more of the verbal high.
The static, socially acceptable grazing of visible skin, the eyes gracing that which is covered and begging to be revealed. I want nothing more than to make you want me more. I plan to do nothing with it but bask in the warmth. But oh how I love to watch you squirm and twitch, your eyes rolling back in mock exhaustion.

You men, you fickle spoiled men, former Don Juans and Casanovas in your mind alone... I feel as though I may remind you what it's like to be on the other side, with no ill will. Perhaps you should run to preserve your pride or perhaps you should stay and linger awhile...